I didn't receive the email to download my order.

Please check your spam folder to be sure it didn't sneak in there. This is the case 99% of the time. If you still can't locate it, shoot me an email for help over on the Contact Me page.

How many times can I download my order?

I use an automated system and have it set to unlimited downloads, for your convenience. There is also no time limit in which you need to download your order after purchase.

Terms of Use

All content is ©Dawn Nicole Designs and is for personal use only. Re-distributing the digital files violates digital copyright laws. Thank you for respecting my copyright.

Any ORIGINAL art you create using my Procreate brushes is yours to sell as you wish!

What is your return policy?

Due to the digital nature of my shop, all sales are final. Please be sure to read product listings so you know what you are buying. :) I do not sell any physical items.

The exception to this is if you accidentally place a duplicate order. If this happens (and it does!), I will of course refund the duplicate order. 

Discount codes cannot be applied retroactively. By placing an order in this store, you agree to these terms.

Can I print as many copies as I like of worksheets?

Yes, you can provided they are for your own personal use. The same applies to the PDF file. You can save copies to additional computers/devices that are for your own personal use.

You may NOT use them to run workshops nor share the digital files.

All of my products are covered by copyright, and to share them either in the file or printed form would be a breach of copyright law.

How Do I Open Zipped Files?

On a computer: save the zipped file to your desktop, uncompress it and then add the items to your iCloud or Dropbox to be able to access on your iPad.

  • If you’re a Mac user, simply drag the zip file to your desktop and double-click. For more info, check out this tutorial.
  • If you’re a PC user, follow this tutorial.

Please note that many mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads, do not allow downloading through a link.

I downloaded the file but I can't find it on my computer!

It's there it's probably just hiding in the Downloads folder on your computer. You can also try using the search function on your computer to search the title of the file on your computer.

I have to do this all the time when I order and download things myself. :)